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I started this whole project as a true 'labour of love'. Over the next few years, I learned an enormous amount of things not just about goalkeeping in different sports but also things like self-publishing, marketing and more. I published the book independently, without the financial support but also constraints of a professional publisher. As I look at the sales of the book in both paperback and e-book, I have reached my goal of simply covering all costs of publishing…

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(How) do you listen to your goalkeepers?

A couple of days ago, my good friend Dave Whalley posted this image on his Instagram. I loved the image of of Dave debriefing the session with his young charges and a bunch of goalie stuff in the frame. More importantly, I loved the sentiment of finding out what his athletes thought and what they have learnt. Why is this important? There is a veritable ocean of research confirming the importance of processing in learning and the importance reflection plays…

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Why look at goalkeeping in different sports?

Author: Tomaz Lasic Illustration by Seb Lasic The key question of the ‘The Love of Goalkeeping’ book is ‘what is common to goalkeepers across sports?’ The book itself describes how this question came about as I started playing, coaching, thinking outside the boundaries of my own ‘native’ sport of water polo.  Now, that may sound nice and interesting but really - just why would a goalkeeper or their coach want to look beyond their sport? There surely is too much…

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